Summary: Power Thinking

eBook: Summary: Power Thinking

Sprache - Englisch

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Über das eBook

<b>The must-read summary of John Mangieri and Cathy Block's book: "Power Thinking: How the Way You Think Can Change the Way You Lead".

</b>This complete summary of the ideas from John Mangieri and Cathy Block's book "Power Thinking" highlights that very few people are formally taught how to think, thus most managers and leaders try to get by on the patterns and habits of thinking, which were acquired in childhood. In their book, the authors provide you with advice on how to improve and enhance the efficiency of your thinking skills, focusing on three major domains: reasoning, insight and self-knowledge. This summary is a must-read for any leader that wants to improve the way they think and become a better manager.

<b>Added-value of this summary:
</b>• Save time

• Understand key concepts

• Expand your knowledge

<b>To learn more, read "Power Thinking" and find out how you can change the way you think to improve your efficiency.</b>

Produkt Details

Verlag: Business Book Summaries

Genre: Sprache - Englisch

Sprache: English

Umfang: 44 Seiten

Größe: 1,3 MB

ISBN: 9782511016299
