The Complete Works of Alexander Hamilton

eBook: The Complete Works of Alexander Hamilton

Sprache - Englisch

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Über das eBook

This exceptional collection shades light on the incredible life of Alexander Hamilton. It includes his complete political and military works (the Federalist, the Continentalist, Publius, Letters Of H.G, Military Papers, etc.) as well as his private correspondence. In order to create full picture of Hamilton's life, this collection in enriched with a biography written by his grandson Allan McLane Hamilton.
The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton by Allan McLane Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton Life Chronology
Early Papers and Speeches
The Continentalist
Writings and Speeches in Federal Convention
Writings and Speeches in Convention of New York
Letters of H. G.
Writings and Speeches on Taxation and Finance
Papers on National Bank
Papers on Coinage and the Mint
Papers on Industry and Commerce
Writings and Speeches on Commercial Relations
Writings and Speeches on Foreign Relations
Foreign Policy Papers
The Whiskey Rebellion Papers
Military Papers
Miscellaneous Papers
Private Correspondence
The Federalist Papers

Produkt Details

Verlag: Madison & Adams Press

Genre: Sprache - Englisch

Sprache: English

Umfang: 4118 Seiten

Größe: 8,2 MB

ISBN: 9788026893752
