Sophia, Mary Magdalena & the divine human being

eBook: Sophia, Mary Magdalena & the divine human being

Sprache - Englisch

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Über das eBook

To listen to your heart and live your true self is a venture presenting sometimes a challenge in our fast paced and performance oriented everyday lives. This book offers a sound discussion based on religious-philosophical wisdom, gnostic scriptures, the gospels, the Nag Hammdi scrolls and the antique Greek archetypes bringing forth the eternal tension between the human ego and his soul. For that, Mary Magdalenes gospel shows the seven inner forces and how to overcome those. The Anthropos-Method was consequentially developed presenting a path of spiritual integration towards a divine human being, the child of mankind. Based on many examples, personal experiences and antique wisdom, a practical methodological guide shows how to discover your divinity and realize your self for a joyful and healthy life. 

This book is a present for all readers.
Regina Auer, Editor

It is a wonderful collection of valuable content. For me, a must have.
Karin Labner, Awareness-Coach

Über den Autor

Born in Austria, Dr. Johannes Slacik owned an award-winning restaurant in Florida when in 2002 he first learned about the gospel of Thomas which induced his religious-philosophical recourse. He studied business economics thereafter and completed an education program to be a practicing psychological and business consultant. During his PhD, his affinity for structure and detail grew. However, his religious-philosophical interests never stopped. With his book SOPHIA, Mary Magdalene & the divine human being. Johannes Slacik combined his life experiences and knowledge of spiritual integration in the Anthropos-Method. He is a senior expert at the Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria. His free time is joyfully spent with his wife and son while constantly working on himself trying to gain self realization for an improved spiritual integration.

Produkt Details

Verlag: Books on Demand

Genre: Sprache - Englisch

Sprache: English

Umfang: 188 Seiten

Größe: 2,0 MB

ISBN: 9783755720508
