Belletristik & Literatur

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Über das eBook

You will save yourself time, trouble and ultimately money if you read my book. From the purchase to the use of the pool, you will receive valuable tips. Is a planning application necessary? Where is the most suitable location on the site? What accessories should I have, e.g. which sand filter? Which circulation pump! Winter-summer operation.

Über den Autor

My name is Werner Senften. I am a pensioner and write guidebooks on various topics. For example, about my experiences from buying a pool to enjoying my first bath. You can find more on my homepage https://www.greenhornbooks.net.

Produkt Details

Verlag: neobooks

Genre: Belletristik & Literatur

Sprache: German

Umfang: 20 Seiten

Größe: 896,0 KB

ISBN: 9783753181448
