Silent patient

eBook: Silent patient

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

Poetry is the voice of the poet speaking and silent, it is his tongue if he was silent by the engagement of life, and the pain was broken. However, our poet "Elias Abu Shabaka" was dressed in passion, so his soul included in the colors of torment, and his pen was filled with a red ink, and he seized his body pain. About himself, so he resorted to the conscience of the absent; He is the "absentee king" as "the king of his pain as the scepter", and he is the "lover patient" who "feeds his heart", and he is the one who sheds his girl in the dream "a bloody ghost", so he is terrified to his mother, he turned out to him, and his sister "continues to cry and exhale", is delirious in the dark And his night calls at night without morning, but he remains silent, asking her separation: "What happened to the girl?

Produkt Details

Verlag: Rufoof

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 22 Seiten

Größe: 392,9 KB

ISBN: 9786477367488
