Call of the heart

eBook: Call of the heart

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

Call of the heart is a short book of the romantic poet "Elias Abu Shabaka", which can be considered a living album that contains vibrant poetic paintings and reflects innovative linguistic structures and uncommon fictional images. The Bureau is characterized by the sweetness of its words and its breadth, as it offers a variety of poems ranging from passion, anxiety and dark visions of life.
The poem "The vessel" highlights a face of anxiety, which is the poet's vision of life, but he always seeks to be his poetry that beats with his various feelings that inflame himself and occupy the reader. The title of the Diwan "Call of the Heart" reflects this endeavor, as it calls the reader to listen to the calls of the poet's heart and fusion with his feelings and respect his personal experiences.
The "heart call" is a wonderful example of the poet's energy in formulating his words in a way that touches the soul and attracts feelings, and it is a book that the reader enjoys a unique and distinctive poetic experience.

Produkt Details

Verlag: Al-Mashreq eBookstore

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 112 Seiten

Größe: 457,7 KB

ISBN: 9780463073872
