Encyclopedia of the Human World - Part Two

eBook: Encyclopedia of the Human World - Part Two

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

In this part of the encyclopedia that deals with impressive facts, science has settled on its support for a person, we get to know the human soul, its tendencies, the mind, and its essence .. and sleep and its secrets .. and we witness the human being in all the stages of his life, and how it goes through different stages in creation and thought. Does its value stand in the material body or the unconscious human self ... that self that does not die and does not undermine the succession of time.

Produkt Details

Verlag: Nahdet Misr

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 288 Seiten

Größe: 2,2 MB

ISBN: 9780672862618
