Lord Savile's crime

eBook: Lord Savile's crime

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

The novel "The Murder of Lord Savile" by the famous English writer Oscar Wilde is one of the classic works of literature that is distinguished by its charming and exciting style. The novel was first published in 1891 and has enjoyed great popularity since then.
The novel takes place in Victorian London in the nineteenth century, focusing on the life of the handsome young man Dorian Gray, who turns into a double personality who spends his time in nightlife, luxury, and carnal desires without facing the consequences of his evil deeds. He seeks pleasure without limits and lives an irresponsible life.
Through his twisted experiment, Dorian discovers the disastrous consequences of his actions and their impact on himself and others. This reality becomes very difficult for Dorian, as he begins to kill ideas and people close to him, as he desperately tries to escape the consequences that await him. Dorian becomes so involved in crime and corruption that he becomes a broken person on a spiritual level, abandoning hope of salvation and killing the image that embodies him. He breaks down and dies under mysterious circumstances, while his image remains a sign of his past evil deeds for which he cannot repent.
It is an exceptional novel that provides a profound examination of human nature and morality. The story embodies human tragedy and the struggle between outer beauty and inner evil. They make us question the true value of beauty, personal responsibility and sacrifice.

Produkt Details

Verlag: العربية للإعلام والفنون والدراسات الإنسانية والنشر (أزهى)

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 67 Seiten

Größe: 496,8 KB

ISBN: 9789778675511
