Peacock's memoirs

eBook: Peacock's memoirs

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

Charles Dickens takes us in (Peacock's Diaries) through long, endless journeys of travel, exciting adventures, wondrous tales, and strange stories, so that we do not know - when we finish reading a chapter - what the next chapter will take us to? The book consists of sequences of stories, or it is a novel divided into places and times, so that the reader can say with great satisfaction: "(Peacock's memoirs) are a book to record the conditions of English society when Dickens was alive." The reader will see in this book all the characters that may come to mind, and it also deals with all the topics that societies discuss... It is a book that combines humor with seriousness, and laughter with crying. He is suitable to be a good companion and a sociable friend

Über den Autor

تشارلز جون هوفام ديكنز ‏، والمعروف باسمه الأدبي تشارلز ديكنز ‏، وهو روائي، وناقد اجتماعي، وكاتب إنجليزي. يُعدّ بإجماع النُّقّاد أعظم الروائيين الإنجليز في العصر الفيكتوري، ولا يزال كثيرٌ من أعماله تحتفظ بشعبيّته حتى اليوم. تميَّز أسلوبه بالدُّعابة البارعة، والسخرية اللاذعة

Produkt Details

Verlag: أفاق للنشر والتوزيع

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 720 Seiten

Größe: 1,5 MB

ISBN: 9789777650939
