Arab culture influenced by Greek culture

eBook: Arab culture influenced by Greek culture

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

Arab culture appeared complete and manifested as comprehensive and comprehensive, and there is no doubt that the "universal" characteristic that was known in Arab culture is due to two unifying origins: The first: It is an Islamic culture that derived from the spirit of the Islamic religion, including the characteristics of a "universal" religion. The second: It is a culture that derived its foreign elements from Greek culture, and it is also a global culture. "Universalism" in Arab culture derives its originality from Islam, and its branches from the greatest A civilization that appeared in the ancient world, and from this unique combination was formed the second global civilization in the history of mankind. In my opinion, the greatest legacy that descended to Arab culture from Greek culture is this great heritage, which made what the Arabs left behind them qualities of strength and immortality, augmenting what was in their own culture. The ability to survive and continue.
The "universal" tendency that the Arabs handed over to Europe in the Middle Ages was, in turn, the greatest heritage that the Arabs carried on their necks to pass on to the people of modern civilization. If the Arabs had no merit other than this merit, it would be sufficient evidence of the enormity of the foundation upon which they laid the foundations for civilization and civilization.

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 77 Seiten

Größe: 351,0 KB

ISBN: 9789779917191
