Foods: their types, chemical composition, and effect on the body
Über das eBook
A number of researchers in food affairs believe that it is not enough to enlighten the public on this issue. Rather, governments and responsible regulatory bodies must effectively monitor mills, markets, food shops, and food sales, in order to prevent the display of foods that are not consistent with the principles of correct scientific nutrition. The principles of science and health taught to students in schools must include a sufficient amount of information to guide them to the best foods they should eat and the way to organize meals, so that they are consistent with the principles of nutrition, so that children grow up and have formed sound habits regarding choosing food that is good for their bodies.
There is no doubt that a large number of people suffer from malnutrition due to poverty and the inability to buy good food that meets the conditions for full nutrition. However, a significant number of others suffer from malnutrition due to greed and gluttony. They eat three heavy meals every day, and carry Their digestive systems are overstretched, so digestion and metabolism are disturbed, leading to the worst outcomes for their health.
Produkt Details
Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية
Genre: Sprache - Sonstige
Sprache: ara
Umfang: 238 Seiten
Größe: 1,1 MB
ISBN: 9789779913841
Veröffentlichung: 11. November 2024