Butterfly Kingdom

eBook: Butterfly Kingdom

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

The butterfly kingdom is a kingdom of fragility and silent strength.
How does the Arab world face its severe problems, dilemmas, and visible and hidden wars that became evident at the beginning of the twenty-first century, when it was not prepared for them in light of crushing dictatorships and ambiguous revolutions? Maria did not choose to go into exile towards the northern cities and forget her land by her own will. Her sister Yama did not sink into virtual isolation out of a desire to do so. Their brother Ryan didn't end up in drugs of his own volition. Their father, Zubair or Zorba, the international medical expert, did not go into isolation of fear and death willingly, before the drug mafia stole his life from him. Mother Freyja or Virginia did not go into the isolation of madness and death among her books by her own will. This family did not choose tragic endings and harsh fates, but rather the isolation imposed on them by the silent war that followed the civil war, where the burning fires do not go out but hide under the ashes, waiting for their witnessed madness. Everyone is afraid of everyone, everyone dreams of taking revenge on everyone, and everyone is waiting for everyone. Yama's isolation with Facebook and jazz music and waiting for the return of her virtual friend, Faust, is nothing but a new concealment within the broken self, but who knows? Butterflies that do not break in the season of death, their certainty in life grows.

Über den Autor

واسيني الأعرج روائيّ جزائريّ صدرتْ له عن دار الآداب روايات «شرفات بحر الشمال»، «أشباح القدس»، «كتاب الأمير»، «طوق الياسمين»، «أنثى السراب»، «أصابع لوليتا»، «مملكة الفراشة»، «سيرة المنتهى»، «حكاية العربي الأخير»، «نساء كازانوفا»، «مي، ليالي إيزيس»، «سيِّدة المقام»، «أسرار البيت الأندلسي».
نال جوائز أدبيَّة عديدة، وتُرجمت أعماله إلى الكثير من اللغات.
يتنازل الكاتب عن كلِّ حقوقه الماديَّة للأطفال المرضى بالسرطان.

Produkt Details

Verlag: Dar Al Adab

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 423 Seiten

Größe: 589,9 KB

ISBN: 9789953892665
