The connections between Arabs and Persians and their manners in pre-Islamic times and Islam

eBook: The connections between Arabs and Persians and their manners in pre-Islamic times and Islam

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

If we leave aside myths and similar speculations, we do not have traces of Iranian history that are older than the narratives of the Assyrians. The most distant of these narratives dates back to the ninth century BC.
This book examines the connections between Arabs and Persians and their pre-Islamic literature in Islam and after it. It is a broad and difficult topic whose aspects are unknown. The author tried his best to explain it in general terms, so he introduced a word about the history and literature of the ancient Persians, and addressed the unknown issues that were not widespread among the majority of Arabic readers. He dealt with the connections between the Persians and the Semitic nations in general and the Arabs in particular before Islam... as well as the connections between the Arabs and the Persians in the ages. Basic, and it deals with the Islamic conquest and the mixing of the two nations, and the Persian language from the conquest to the third century AH, also the Persians in the Islamic community and their influence. In literature, the emergence of independent states in Iran, and modern Persian literature: its origins, development, characteristics, and relationship with Arabic literature.

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 83 Seiten

Größe: 760,9 KB

ISBN: 9789779912134
