Political systems

eBook: Political systems

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

The term political system, in its broad sense, refers to the form it takes, in a particular social body, the general distinction between the rulers and the ruled. In its narrow sense, it refers to the mere governmental formation of a special type of human group. By which we mean "the nation." In addition, let us note that this composition does not differ in nature from the composition of other groups, but the differences between them are only in degree. The nation, specifically, is among all groups in which governmental organization reaches the highest levels of perfection, such that the political systems of other social cells cannot be studied except by comparing them to the national political systems of the peoples.

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 160 Seiten

Größe: 725,7 KB

ISBN: 9789779912790
