Criticism of religious thought

eBook: Criticism of religious thought

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

I tried to delve deeper into the study of Takfiri thinking when it turned into outright terrorism through multiple Islamic groups, led by ISIS, which declared the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. In light of this brief presentation of the basic vocabulary of my critical project for the political Islam movement, I divided the book into two main parts. The first section is entitled "Religious Thought between Extremism and Renewal," and it includes four chapters. The first is about the debate between me and Sheikh "Al-Qaradawi" about the illusions of restoring the Islamic caliphate, and the second is criticism of religious thought. Al-Takfiri, which is a critical analysis of review books.
The third is about an attempt to renew the search for Islam and democracy to identify places of encounter, and the last is about the American theory of liberal Islam. As for the second section, its topic is "An anatomy of terrorist behavior and a cultural analysis." It includes two chapters, the first on the phenomenon of terrorism and the second on an analysis of its dimensions. I hope that the book, with its various chapters, will draw for the interested reader a comprehensive cognitive map, the most prominent of which is the transformation of takfiri thought into brutal terrorism at the hands of the ISIS organization, which represents a new barbarism that has become a threat to human security and world peace.

Produkt Details

Verlag: دار العين للنشر

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 248 Seiten

Größe: 529,8 KB

ISBN: 9789774903564
