The maze...the era of digital communication

eBook: The maze...the era of digital communication

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

In our time, communication is the powerful engine that accelerates progress, making boundaries disappear and distances between people close. It is that amazing magic, which enables individuals and communities to connect in ways previously unimagined. Thanks to digital technologies such as the Internet and social networks, we can now exchange information and ideas quickly and widely.
Just as the threads of the Internet intertwine to unite the farthest corners, digital media weaves the threads of human interaction, multiple across time and space, to build bridges between cultures. Just as flowers bloom under the rays of the sun, minds and hearts blossom under the light of effective communication, and just as the wind carries plant seeds to germinate in new lands, modern means of communication transmit thoughts and feelings across the air, as these means, whether visual, audio, or read, play a pivotal role in educating Communities, shaping their awareness, and directing public opinion. It uses its enormous power to influence a wide spectrum of audiences with different interests, orientations, and intellectual and social levels. The influence of these media varies, but it is not constant. Rather, it is affected by multiple variables that determine its ability to bring about change, and understanding these variables provides us with a deeper insight into how the media affects us and how we interact with it with greater awareness, as we witness a new chapter in the history of human communication.

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 339 Seiten

Größe: 868,3 KB

ISBN: 9789779919614
