The history of pharmacy and the Old Testament and the Middle Ages

eBook: The history of pharmacy and the Old Testament and the Middle Ages

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

The pharmacist is not a merchant or a grocery store, but rather a man of knowledge and art who occupies a prominent position in society, not only from a material or social standpoint, but also from a scientific and cultural standpoint. Therefore, he must broaden his horizons and be an educated, humane man who is not confined within the narrow confines of his profession. There is no doubt that the history of pharmacy is the same as the history of medicines and the way they are used and preserved.
The ancient Egyptians left behind a glorious scientific heritage, as evidenced by the artistic treasures that the world's museums are full of, and countless scattered antiquities in the vast Upper Egypt. One Western scholar said in this regard: "Ancient Egypt is extremely important in the history of civilization in general and in The history of medicine in particular, and its abundant documents contain the clearest evidence of the oldest cultural life that has reached us. Its culture directly influenced the Greeks and civilization. "European."

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 287 Seiten

Größe: 343,6 KB

ISBN: 9789776774094
