Until we meet

eBook: Until we meet

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

There is nothing harsher than the moments of farewell.. to touch even the walls in your home as a farewell to her, to take a last look at your mother's face and eyes, her mouth and cheeks, and all her details, to throw yourself into her arms, certain of you that it is farewell, that you will not cry forced, and moan your pain. It keeps you broken; Just because you are on the cusp of death, close to a life in which you are alone, and you do not realize any of its details except that it is the end of your closeness to them, and the beginning of your walk alone, only then will you conceal most of your pain silently, with a contented smile, and because you will not bear around you twice as much pain, you will leave, leaving... Behind you is only a beautiful memory in which you were the most beautiful. You alone will witness your fading in order to avoid the fading of the hearts you will leave after you.

Produkt Details

Verlag: دارك للنشر والتوزیع

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 216 Seiten

Größe: 662,1 KB

ISBN: 9789776634190
