The teacher.. in education, teaching methods and the school system

eBook: The teacher.. in education, teaching methods and the school system

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

This book is considered one of the pioneering Arabic books in the field of education. Its author, Professor Abdel Aziz Attia, wrote it and issued it in 1921, before our universities knew colleges of education. The man realized early on the necessity of making a book available on the art of education, in which he lays out "everything that is important for the educator to know about the school system and its management, how to teach science, and the subsequent research into the child." Thus, the title shows the sides of the triangle that makes up the educational process, which forms the ground on which the teacher stands.
The author mentioned many definitions of education given by philosophers and scholars from Plato to Herbert Spencer, and he sees them all as speaking in the absolute, and he concludes from their discussion that the meaning of education "is to strengthen the body to such an extent that it is able to work to benefit itself and others, refine the soul, and purify morals so that the person can interact with people and deal with them." Education in this sense is "divided into three categories, and it is intended to strengthen the body's organs, moral (or moral), and is intended to refine the soul, correct morals, and mental What is meant by it is to use the power of thought, bring it from the realm of power into the realm of action, and develop it with science and knowledge, so that the person attains an acceptable degree of virtue.

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 169 Seiten

Größe: 293,0 KB

ISBN: 9789779910710
