Black Sheets

eBook: Black Sheets

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

The Black Newspapers were articles published in the famous Mokattam newspaper in succession, criticizing some of what was happening in the arena of this life - in its time. The author says: "When I began publishing it, I chose to adopt the signature of "Zuhair" discreetly, so as not to prevent men of literature from criticizing it with due affection, but my brothers recognized me, so I came back from hiding and returned to my original signature, and I began some of the articles from my Black Newspapers with verses and passages that I organized in a way that suited the situation, and I wanted to continue writing these chapters until I wrote it a hundred or more, but I feared the readers would get bored, so I was satisfied with a few of them."

Produkt Details

Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 108 Seiten

Größe: 418,1 KB

ISBN: 9780068048916
