Philosophers of Governance In Modern era
Über das eBook
Governance developed before the emergence of philosophical doctrines that explain its rules and theories, and people moved from the deification of kings to belief in their authority as kingship from God, to the separation between divine authority and human authority before the spread of political philosophy and before the spread of philosophy in general. The three biblical religions were a significant sign of this distant development. The book of the Old Testament is a record of the leadership of the Prophet, the leadership of the judge, and the leadership of the king, with the combination of rule and religious holiness at a time, and the separation between them after that time. The Sermon of Jesus Christ on the Mount is a complete constitution for the righteous human being accepted by tolerant Christianity in every society and under all governments. The Islamic religion has detailed its doctrine of consultation, equality, respect for consensus, and the question of the people of remembrance in detail that addresses the origins of government and corresponds to its development with time. These religions have been an excuse for seeking reform and refraining from human tyranny in all ages.
Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad
Produkt Details
Verlag: وكالة الصحافة العربية
Genre: Sprache - Sonstige
Sprache: ara
Umfang: 131 Seiten
Größe: 329,3 KB
ISBN: 9787763569876
Veröffentlichung: 13. Februar 2025